Workshops Video & Audio Production

Audiovisual media are also increasing in studies and teaching and are ideally suited to attracting attention, conveying information or explaining certain processes.

Using moving images, several senses are addressed at the same time and moods are conveyed.Mittels Bewegtbilder werden gleichzeitig mehrere Sinne angesprochen und Stimmungen transportiert.

Video production I (basics and practice)

What is important when creating videos apart from the content to be explained? How do you put people and objects in the camera image - and why? How do you influence the brightness and depth of field in the image? In the theoretical part, we convey the basics of image design and show what images can say simply through the framing or the perspective and the arrangement of the objects in the image. In addition, the setting options on a camera are presented and how to influence them. The sound is not neglected either. The practical part is then about the implementation, in which short scenes are captured in small groups with the camera equipment. Workshops specifically for lighting or sound can also be booked.

Duration: 1 day, or approx 5 hours and a one-hour lunch break

Video production II (editing)

Based on the workshop "Video Production I" and after all the pictures are "in the can", this is about the video editing. How and with what do I start? What needs to be considered? How can I build a name overlay? We show the digital workflow in the so-called non-linear editing system and clarify terms such as "cutting rhythm", "jump cuts" or "belly bandage". In small groups, several computers edit in parallel, so that in the end each group has created a video clip.

Duration: 1 day, or approx 5 hours and a one-hour lunch break


In this workshop, the basic technical knowledge for a podcast production is conveyed: from the hardware (microphony) to free software, to the editing and editing of the audio material. In addition, typical recording and editing errors are shown in order to sensitize the participants and to give practical tips.

Duration: Approx 2-2.5 hours


The workshops are individually adapted to the future projects or the needs of the participants in consultation. The offer is aimed at both groups and individuals who are interested. As soon as enough individuals have registered, a group workshop can take place with them.

If you are interested, please contact us by email

For Booking


Servicecenter IA E0 Room 95/150 
Tel.: +49 (0)234 32-24025
Fax: +49 (0)234 32-14349
