Inclusion of students with disabilities

At a university for all, students with disabilities or chronic illnesses and their instructors sometimes face particular challenges.

It is necessary to reconcile the demands of teaching with those of physical, mental, intellectual or sensory disabilities. IT.SERVICES, in cooperation with the Counseling Center for the Inclusion of Disabled Persons (Beratungszentrum zur Inklusion Behinderter - BZI), will help you with any difficulties that may arise.

Our Services
  1. Barrier-free PC pool in building IA, level 0, room 105/109 with three height-adjustable tables, two magnifying cameras and other technical aids.
  2. Technical advice for students, staff and lecturers on digital accessibility and setting up accessible workstations and media services at our university.
  3. Technical support in conducting exams as part of a compensation for disadvantages.
  4. Supporting the preparation of teaching and exam materials (digitization, Braille conversion). 
  5. Lending of technical aids.
Open Consultation Hours

We offer all students, lecturers and staff an open consultation hour on the rooms and available technical aids. 

Weekly appointments:

  • Wednesdays from 10:15-11:15 a.m. (IT.SERVICES, Building IA, Level 0, Room 105/109)
  • Thursdays from 14:15-15:15 pm (BZI, Building SH, Level 0, Room 36)

Consultation hours will not take place from 10.07.2024 to 25.07.2024 due to vacation.

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you.

Further Information

Information on the Contact Point for Barrier-free Examinations (Kontaktstelle barrierefreie Prüfungen - KoBaP) can be found here:


Further information on the topic of inclusion can be found on the website of the AKAFÖ's Advisory Center for the Inclusion of Disabled Persons (Beratungszentrum zur Inklusion Behinderter - BZI).


Information on accessible websites can be found here: